Using Analytic View on SAP HANA with SAP Visual Intelligence

As a part of (our University unit bco6181 ) six minutes presentation I connected SAP Visual Intelligence to SAP HANA Analytic view and show measure(s) on graph. I demonstrated the whole thing in the class successfully but there were certain things that I could show in presentation. For example, from creating schema to creating and loading tables with data (from csv files). It was another excited thing that I did with SAP Hana and this time l learnt even more about SAP technology. I am going to share my experience and data that I used.

Cloud Setup:

This time I used the same setup which I discussed in my previous blog here and as shown below. I really did not need DC for this exercise as I connected to HANA with database user. However, I used it for DNS (Domain Name Services) and for logging on to CLIENT using Windows Domain user.

SAP Hana Instance - HANADB - Rev 48
Windows Server 2008 R2 - DC (Domain Controller) - and hosted AD (Active Directory) services
Windows Server 2008 R2 - CLIENT  - SAP Hana Studio and Visual Intelligence installed

Source Data:

I completed a unit "Business Intelligence" in Semester 1 2012 from sapvu  In this unit's final exam, we (group of two) were provided with csv files to create InfoCube in SAP Business Warehouse and then use created InfoCube to do reporting and analysis in SAP Business Explorer (BEx). So I decided to use one of the exam excercise data for my presentation. Data has following

     Region (DIMREGION) - Region_NO,Region_Description
     Department (DIMDEPARTMENT) - Depart_No,Department_Description
     Sales Representative (DIMSALESREP) - Sales_RepNo,SalesRep_Description,Depart_No
     Product (DIMPRODUCT) -Product_No,Prod_Description

     Fact Table:

     NetSales = (Qty_Purchased) X (Purchase Price)

Steps Performed:


Created Schema

Created Tables by importing csv files

Created Package to store views

Created Analytic View and connected view to SAP Visual Intelligence


I locked my Hana user while connecting with SAP Visual Intelligence. I entered the incorrect password more than 3 times. So I found following sql commands from here

Find users with failed attempts:
select * from sys.INVALID_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS where user_name='ANGADS'

Drop attempts to user:

Once above commands were performed then I changed the password of my user.

I am Curious to Know:

How do I change the the NetSales data type to show $ and AUD?
Can I create more visuals with this analytic view?
Should I have done it differently?
What are the other views can I create with this data?


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