BODevs Meetup - Are you coming?

#BODevs first meetup was help in Melbourne on 9th May, 2013. This meet up was proudly organized by David McAmis. Fortunately, I attended this event and met interesting people with deep interest in SAP Business Objects BI Platform.  So, it all started with meeting and greeting. I was the first one to arrive and David was already there. Later, we had free (at least not for David. So thanks David) pizza and drinks. Once everyone was settled and filled their appetite then real fun began.

David started with introduction from everyone. I found that there were people in the room from whom I can learn a lot. David gave us an update on BI 4.1 and explained how the things are changing. He also gave us live demonstration of SAP Visual Intelligence with his own #BODevs attendees data. We shared our experiences and talked about different people in SAP BI world.

So I must say overall it was wonderful experience for BI curious person  like me. If you are in Australia and work with SAP Business Objects (BI) then please meet us at next Meetup in June. Also, if you are SAP Mentor then please make us proud by joining us as a presenter. Please keep checking BoDevs for further details.

In the end, thanks to David McAmis for his efforts and warm welcome to future members.




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