SAP Visual Intelligence Visualize The Email Quarantine Audit Data

Since the previous blog (here) I have been learning and practicing SAP Visual Intelligence. There is always a new thing to learn. I will keep using it until the trial period finish. During the official visichat there were some interesting case studies and practices mentioned by Timo Elliott I looked at those and tried to do similar practice with the data that I use on daily basis. We have network monitoring, email and web security software. These software create logs which is sometime hard to understand or we take time to get to bottom. The reporting within these software are not really helpful either. So I decided to look at email security software and gather some data for creating visuals to learn SAP Visual Intelligence and improve my skills with this software and data. I have chosen the most basic data at this moment. 

I have tried to address an issue where I am spending time releasing emails for users when it is blocked for specific reason. The users have been provided with an interface (web portal linked to server) where they can login and release the emails themselves. I have created following video and this time I have tried to explain things in verbal.

Thanks for your time



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